Letter from the plenipotentiary of the government of the Republic of Poland to the Masurian region, Dr Jakub Prawin, to the mayor of Olsztyn and county leaders, concerning the preparation of accommodation for settlers intending to take up work in industry

Keywords: reconstruction after wartime destruction, employment, development of industry and craftwork, flats for workers


The Masurian region did not belong to those areas where it was possible to find attractive employment. The majority of workplaces in this area were either thoroughly looted or destroyed. This hindered the realisation of the plan for the rapid settlement and activation of the region's economy (this area never had many advantages to aid the development of industry). The decree from the plenipotentiary of the government of the Republic of Poland, Colonel Jakub Prawin, is not an incentive for potential settlers, and also overlooks the problem of the devastation of the local economic infrastructure. The letter relates to the issue of bringing, in the first instance, qualified workers to the Masurian region, who would be able to regenerate the economic potential of the region (in the majority of cases settlers came here aiming instead for a career in local government). Representatives of the local authorities were to aim to fulfil this goal, but the incentive to settle was to be the guarantee of advantageous living conditions to new arrivals.

Author Biography

Ryszard Tomkiewicz, Wojciech Kętrzyński Centre for Scientific Researches in Olsztyn

Ryszard Tomkiewicz – dr hab., historyk, absolwent Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Pracownik Ośrodka Badań Naukowych im. W. Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie. Zajmuje się powojenną historią Warmii i Mazur. Autor sześciu monografii oraz ponad stu artykułów dotyczących powojennych dziejów regionu. Sekretarz Rady Naukowej Ośrodka Badań Naukowych oraz członek Zarządu Towarzystwa Naukowego im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie. Członek Redakcji „Komunikatów Mazursko-Warmińskich”.


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Tomkiewicz R., Życie codzienne powojennych mieszkańców Olsztyna. 1945–1956, Olsztyn 2003
Source Materials